Separator character "T" in ISO 8601
う〜ん、そんな話あったかなぁ。とりあえず英語版 Wikipedia を見てみる*1。
The date and time representations may sometimes appear in proximity, separated by a space or other characters, in which case they occupy two separate fields in a data system, rather than a single combined representation. This is sometimes done for human readability. Unlike the above example, "1981-04-05" "14:30:30-05:00" are two separate representations, one for date and the other for time.
「日付と時刻が空白文字およびその他の文字で区切られている場合は、1つの時刻表現ではなく、2つの個別のフィールドになる」って感じであっているかな。まぁ、Wikipedia は Wikipedia であって仕様書ではないのでリンクをたどって仕様書っぽいやつ[PDF]を見てみる。で、5.4 Combinations of date and time of the day から
The character [T] shall be used as time designator to indicate the start of the representation of time of the day in date and time expressions. The hyphen [-] and the colon [:] shall be used, in accordance with 4.5, as separators within the date and time of the day expressions respectively, when required.
えーと、この記述を見る限り日時を表現する場合には "T" は必須なんではないでしょうか。すぐ下に、
NOTE By mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange, the character [T] may be omitted in applications where there is no risk of confusing a combined date and time of the day representation with others defined in this International Standard.
とあるけども、これをもって "T" の代わりに空白文字を使った出力を ISO 8601 形式と呼ぶのはちょっとつらい。