
Sigbritt Löthberg's home has been supplied with a blistering 40 Gigabits per second connection, many thousands of times faster than the average residential link and the first time ever that a home user has experienced such a high speed.

Sigbritt will now be able to enjoy 1,500 high definition HDTV channels simultaneously. Or, if there is nothing worth watching there, she will be able to download a full high definition DVD in just two seconds.

単純に疑問なんだけど、そんな Serial ATA さえ遥かに上回る通信帯域つかってどうするんだろ。現実的な話、理屈の上では HD DVD を 2秒でダウンロードできても、そんなスピードで処理できるプロセッサも、書き込める外部記憶装置も存在しないよね、一般には。